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Quotes on Poetry

Wright Sounds better
Zagajewski Newness
Porter Lit up
Orr Rhythmical
McKendrick every poem
Johnson Define
Causley Shortest
Apples Dorgan
Ferlinghetti Summer Rain
William Stafford inevitable
Doty Explore
imaginative awe Auden
Giraudoux War
Macleish birds
Deep Hirsch
Frost Life
explorer Grennan
Clifton soul
Angelou poetry
Sea Animal Sandburg
Poetry Spontaneous
Poetry is thoughts
Poet voice Angelou
Poem Machine
Mirror Shelley
escapes barr

Poems and Quotes from our Collections

9 W. B. Yeats
8 Keats
10 Shelley
12 Hardy
5 Tennyson
6 Blake
1 Flecker
7 Shelley
14 Hopkins
16 Keats
15 Emerson
4 Hopkins
2 Dickinson
Spring Yvor Winters
3 Whitman
Winter Trees Williams
Wind and Silver Lowell
The Runes on Welan's Sword Rudyard Kipling
The Longest Journey William Soutar
Talisman Marianne Moore
Surgeons Must Be Very Careful Dickinson
Proverb Blake
Old Age Whitman
Meeting at Night Browning
Like the Touch of Rain Edward Thomas
Epigram Thoreau
Fragment Hulme
Come Home George Macdonald
He Hears the Cry of the Sedge W. B. Yeats
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